
The History of .decimal®

.decimal was established in 1986 by the current President & CEO Richard Sweat. Originally called Southeastern Radiation Products (SRP), the company has evolved from a small family distributorship employing 3 to the leading outsource manufacturer of patient-specific custom medical devices in the world.

By 1998, SRP had gone from selling styrofoam and blocking trays to manufacturing precision custom compensators for missing tissue and shortly thereafter modulators for IMRT delivery. It was decided that a new name was needed to reflect the new direction of the company, and so .decimal was born. The “dot” signified that we were an internet-based company (all orders were received electronically). And decimal was an acronym for “Digitally Enhanced Compensation and Intensity Modulation with ALloys”. Pretty catchy huh?

Today, .decimal is way more than a photon compensator manufacturer. We developed our flagship device design software called “p.d” (planning.decimal) which is currently installed in over 800 cancer centers in the US and Japan, and our products and services cover proton, electron, and photon therapies.

We are quickly approaching 30 years in business. The radiation oncology community is a great community to serve, and we look forward to many more years of providing innovative products to help our customers in the fight against cancer.

